Coffee and Walnut Cupcakes

Coffee sponge with walnut pieces made with light brown sugar topped with a sweet coffee butter cream!
I personally use Douwe Egberts strength 4 for the coffee but whatever you have on hand is fine!



  • 175g Self raising flour.
  • 175g Light brown sugar.
  • 175g Stork margerine.
  • 3 large eggs.
  • 50-100g Walnuts depending on preference. 50g will give an average amount where 100g will be quite dense with walnuts.
  • 2 tsp of instant coffee, dissolved in a very little hot water.


  • 150g Unsalted butter.
  • 350g Icing sugar.
  • 2 tsp of instant coffee, dissolved in a very little hot water.
  • 25-50g Walnuts.



  • Baking temperature is gonna be trial and error for your own oven as all are a little different but for mine, I pre heat the oven to 170c for my fan assisted oven.
  • Cream the margarine and sugar together in a bowl.
  • Next, make a gap in the bowl and crack the 3 eggs in.
  • Give them a little mix to combine the yolks and whites, then combine with the rest of the mix.
  • Once done, you should have a smooth mix.
  • Add the coffee and mix again until combined.
  • Add the flour and combine.
  • Roughly chop the walnuts and fold in.
  • Split the mix evenly between 12 cupcake cases.
  • I find 2 level scoops of a “small” ice cream scoop does the trick for me.
  • Bake for 16-18 minutes until baked.
  • You can do it by feel, as you can feel if it’s sufficiently spongy but you can’t go wrong with the tried and tested skewer method by poking a cake to the middle with a skewer and see if it comes out clean.


  • Beat the butter in a food mixer.
  • Add the coffee and combine.
  • Sieve in the icing sugar and combine.
  • You may need a little extra icing sugar depending on how much water you used in the coffee. I accounted for this in the recipe but add a little more icing sugar if the coffee buttercream is too thin.


  • Pipe the buttercream on to the cakes.
  • Rough chop half of the walnuts and sprinkle on top.
  • Fine chop the other half and sprinkle on top.