Scottish Macaroon Bars!

The Scottish sweet treat made with chocolate, coconut and tatties!
Yup, you read that right.
Boil ’em, mash ’em, put ’em in a sweet!
Also, they are naturally vegan.



  • 125g Potatoes.
  • 500g Icing sugar.
  • 200g Desiccated coconut.
  • 300g Dark chocolate. (Or milk, dealers choice but I use dark).


  • Boil and mash your potatoes.
  • Unsalted water and do not add any seasoning, milk or butter out of habbit!
  • Allow to cool then put the potatoes in a bowl and add the sugar a little at a time.
  • Mix in the first bit of sugar and the mixture will go like runny glue! This is normal!
  • Keep adding the sugar a little at a time, 50-100 grams.
  • You don’t need to be super precise so just eyeball it, you just don’t want to dump too much in as you need to let it liquify with a small amount first.
  • Keep doing this until it’s all combined and a thick fondant is formed.
  • Now chill in the fridge for about half an hour to make it a little more manageable.
  • While it’s chilling, line a baking tray with grease proof paper.
  • Once chilled, form into small bars and place on the tray.
  • Now put in the freezer for a few hours until solid.
  • Now toast half the coconut in a frying pan on medium heat until it’s turned light brown.
  • Take off the heat and add the other half.
  • When the fondant is ready to come out the freezer, melt your chocolate via your usual method.
  • Can microwave in 20 second bursts, stirring each time.
  • Melt in a pot over a medium heat, slowly stirring.
  • Boil water in a pot and add the chocolate to a bowl, place the bowl over the water and stir the chocolate until melted.
  • Now place your ingredients, fondant, chocolate and coconut in the order of your dominant hand so that the fondant is first.
  • Dip the fondant, shake off the excess chocolate and roll in the coconut.
  • Place the bar on a plate or in a tub and repeat until all coated.
  • Don’t worry, they won’t stick together as they will be fully coated in coconut.
  • Keep refrigerated and eat within 7 days.