Malteser Cakes

Nice and malty chocolate sponge with a malted chocolate buttercream, filled with chocolate spread and topped with whole and chopped Maltesers!



  • 130g Self Raising Flour.
  • 32g Horlicks. (Seems very specific as I use a 32g sachet)
  • 28g Cocoa.
  • 175g Light brown sugar.
  • 175g Stork.
  • 1/2 tsp Baking powder for that extra wee bit of lift due to so much other dry ingredients.
  • 3 Large eggs.
  • 12 Maltesers
  • 100g Chocolate spread.
  • Splash of milk.

Butter Cream

  • 150g Butter.
  • 32g Horlicks.
  • 28g Cocoa.
  • 250g Icing Sugar.
  • Splash of milk or double cream if it is too thick.


  • 30 or so Maltesers.
  • Cut 6 Maltesers in half for easy cutting and chop them into small pieces.



  • Baking temperature is gonna be trial and error for your own oven as all are a little different but for mine, I pre heat the oven to 170c for my fan assisted oven.
  • Cream the margarine and sugar together in a bowl.
  • Next, make a gap in the bowl and crack the 3 eggs in.
  • Give them a little mix to combine the yolks and whites, then combine with the rest of the mix.
  • Once done, you should have a smooth mix.
  • Add the cocoa and combine.
  • Add the flour, baking powder, Horlicks and combine.
  • Add a splash of milk and combine if too thick.
  • It shouldn’t be liquid but it shouldn’t be so thick that it doesn’t settle in the case with a few taps.
  • Split the mix evenly between 12 cupcake cases.
  • I find 2 level scoops of a “small” ice cream scoop does the trick for me.
  • Bake for 16-18 minutes until baked.

Butter Cream

  • Beat the butter in a food mixer.
  • Sieve in the icing sugar, the cocoa, the Horlicks and combine.
  • If the buttercream is too thick, if it does not fall off a spatula with a soft tap, add a little double cream or milk and combine until the consistency is correct.


  • Core the cakes out and pop a Malteser in the middle of each cake.
  • Fill the gap up with chocolate spread.
  • Pipe the buttercream on. Dealers choice but I use the rose style for these ones as it’s easier to hold the Maltesers.
  • Place a couple of Maltesers on top.
  • Sprinkle on some of the chopped up Maltesers.