Christmas Chocolate Bites

Chocolate bites, similar to my mint slices, but using my spiced ginger shortbread as the biscuit agent!
Lovely little spiced “Christmas” flavoured chocolates for that wee festive treat!
You just get a gentle hum of ginger in the background but you can add more should you wish a stronger kick!

You will need circular moulds if you wish to make this shape but any mould will do.
You could even press it in a cake tin and manually chop it up later!


  • 225g Ginger Shortbread made from the recipe found HERE.
  • 3tbsp golden syrup.
  • 50g butter.
  • 2tbsp Black cocoa powder.
  • 100g Dark chocolate.
  • 1tsp Ground Ginger (optional)
  • 50g White Chocolate


  • Roughly chop the shortbread you have made into small pieces.
  • Add the chocolate, butter and syrup to a pan over a medium heat.
  • Stir to combine as the chocolate and butter melts.
  • Once all the chocolate has almost melted, add the cocoa and continue to stir.
  • Add the ginger at this point if you would like it extra spicy.
  • Once you have a smooth liquid, add the shortbread and combine.
  • It will be like a slurry when still hot but will set solid.
  • Fill the mould cavities and leave to set for half an hour or so.
  • Once solid, remove from the mould and clean it.
  • Melt the white chocolate then spoon a little in each cavity.
  • Gently place the chocolates back in to create the white tops, and leave to set.